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Hand  holding  change and solar panels on a roof

Cut Your Bills, Not Your Comfort. Go Solar!

Touching Solar Panel
Solar array with child
Man waiting to place solar panel on roof

Whether you are looking to save money on your energy bill, reduce your reliance on harmful fossil fuels, or simply do your part for the environment, we are here to help. Let us work together to find the perfect solar panel setup for your needs and budget today.

Our Focus Areas

Reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills with our Residential Installation service. Our team of experts will conduct a thorough assessment of your property before carrying out the installation, ensuring that the panels are perfectly suited to your home. We take great care throughout the process to minimize disruption and leave your property just as we found it.

Residential Properties

Man on top of scaffolding

Eco-Friendly Solutions

cedar solar

Eager to transition to a cleaner, sustainable energy source? Reach out for a complimentary consultation and embark on a path to a more luminous, eco-friendly tomorrow.

Why choose cedar solar? 

Benefit from a flawless installation process by our skilled solar professionals, tailored precisely to your home's energy profile.

Expert Installation


Experience a tangible reduction in your electricity costs by producing your own energy. And with our interest-free financing option*, going solar is as financially savvy as it is environmentally responsible.

Financial Gains


Our commitment is to provide you with state-of-the-art solar technology. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your system is efficient, enduring, and easy to maintain.


Take a stand for the planet. By choosing solar, you're not only reducing your carbon footprint but also fostering a sustainable future.

Eco-Conscious Choice


Recognising that every home is distinct, we work hand in hand with you to craft a solar solution that resonates with your energy requirements and aesthetic vision, augmenting your property's value.

Customised Solutions


Latest Projects

Wickford House

Residential home


, Essex

Runwell House

Residential home

Runwell, Essex

Go green, save green


Join the renewable energy movement and let your home be a testament to eco-friendly living. With our unrivalled residential solar installations, wave goodbye to exorbitant electricity bills and embrace the promise of clean, renewable energy. 

Man getting solar panel ready
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